- Artistic and equestrian director of the theme park Le Bois du Roy in France / Champagne 

- Stunt coordinator for the new Stunt Show "Fina and the Golden Cape " at the 11 Arches Park in Bishop Auckland, UK 

- Preparation for the 2021-2022 season of Muizon-Spectacles, France 

- Preparation for the 2021-2022 season of the Restaurant Spectacle "La Croisette" in Chalons en Champagne 

Project support and production 

Event creation 

Equestrian shows 

Artistic direction 

Stage production 


Currently : 

CL Spectacles, SARL au capital de 12000€
Siège: La Tuilerie, 51140 Muizon, FRANCE
Tel: 0033 (0)6 03 48 48 39 / Mail: cl.spectacles@gmail.com
Website: www.clspectacles.com
SIRET: 798 705 927 00035 / APE : 9001Z
Licences spectacles 2-1071412 / 3-1071413
TVA intra-communautaire: FR 287 987 059 27
RCS REIMS: 798 705 927